

8 principles of warehouse location management

2024-05-15 15:40

The goods with high correlation should be gathered and placed, and the goods with high frequency of use should be stored close to the entry and exit ports. The historical order data can be used to analyze the correlation between different items.

01, the principle of item relevance.

The goods with high correlation should be gathered and placed, and the goods with high frequency of use should be stored close to the entry and exit ports. The historical order data can be used to analyze the correlation between different items.

02, Principle of Identity of Articles

The principle of item identity refers to the storage of the same item in the same storage location, on the one hand, it is convenient for warehouse operators to memorize the location of the goods, on the other hand, it is to improve the efficiency of the same item access operation.

03, the principle of complementarity of goods.

High complementary goods should be stored in a nearby location, in a goods out of stock can be quickly replaced by another complementary goods.

04. Principle of article compatibility

Low compatibility (refers to two or more goods placed together will interact or chemical reaction) items can not be placed together, to avoid damage to the quality of goods.

05. Article size principle

The warehouse keeper should consider the unit size of the goods and the whole batch of shapes and sizes caused by the same kind of goods when arranging the warehouse, so as to provide appropriate space to meet a specific demand, make reasonable use of the warehouse space and reduce waste.

06. Principle of weight characteristics

The principle of weight characteristics refers to the high and low position of the storage of goods according to the different weight of the goods, which can also be called the principle of upper light and lower weight.

Generally speaking, heavy objects should be kept on the ground or in the lower position of the material rack, while light objects should be kept in the upper position of the material rack;

If it is carried out by hand, the height below the waist is used to keep heavy objects or large items, while the height above the waist is used to keep light or small items.

07, the principle of article characteristics.

The warehouse keeper should consider the characteristics of the goods when planning the cargo space to avoid the loss of goods and affect the storage of other goods. For example, seasonal items should be placed according to their seasonal characteristics to select the place.

08, based on the turnover rate principle.

Based on the principle of turnover rate, the goods are sorted from large to small according to the turnover rate, and then the order is divided into several sections (usually divided into three to five sections). The goods in the same section are listed as the same level. According to the principle of positioning or classification storage method, the storage area is designated for each level of goods. The goods with higher turnover rate should be closer to the entrance and exit, and the goods with lower turnover rate should be farther from the warehouse.

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